API transfer data from Bitrix24

Catalog of migrations between CRM systems
Specializing in integration, CiFrame has a number of developments in the migration of data between different CRM systems. The final cost should be specified by the company representatives.

Bitrix24 simplifies work processes: discussion and coordination, task control, work with clients.

List of Integrations for Bitrix24 with: KeyCRM

Bitrix24 KeyCRM

Transferring data from the KeyCRM service via the KeyCRM API

Transfer of goods between Bitrix24 and KeyCRM

Data that is transferred to these decisions:

- Transfer of product range from Bitrix24 to KeyCRM;
- Transfer of contracts/pleases;
- Transferring the contact database.

Data is transferred from saved information in additional fields. Variety is specified with the data volume for transferring up to 10,000 records. The transfer of additional items or a large number of goods is discussed separately.



Even if you do not find the service you need or the direction of transferring data between CRM systems in the list, make a request, we will happily review your task.

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