Implementation, synchronization and API integration

The trusted partner for parsing, matching, and data enrichment

When making a purchase, we guarantee that your task will be completed, up to engaging our developers to implement your task.

Integration & Connectors with: Wordpress Woocommerce + Wordpress Woocommerce

Wordpress Woocommerce. Connectors, modules, and scripts for integrations.
Rchili and Wordpress Forms connector

Rchili and Wordpress Forms connector

Automatic completion of the fields in the admin section of the site, returned as a result of parsing the downloaded DOC, DOCX, PDF, RTF, TXT, ODT, HTM and HTML, DOCM, DOTM, DOT, DOTX resume. File upload scenarios and output to individual fields can be discussed before work begins.
For an accurate estimate of the cost, you need a screenshot of the field in which you want to upload a resume, and a screenshot (or list) of fields to fill out.

If you have a problem with the use of this or that product - contact support, we guarantee you the implementation of your task.

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