Implementation, synchronization and API integration iDobraCRM

iDobraCRM - is a cloud service for building the right business processes: customers, goods, delivery, finance in one place

Register in iDobraCRM

See also:
Transfer and data migration from iDobraCRM

When making a purchase, we guarantee that your task will be completed, up to engaging our developers to implement your task.

Integration & Connectors iDobraCRM with: Allegro

iDobraCRM + Allegro

iDobraCRM and Allegro integration

Integration of iDobraCRM and Allegro gives such opportunities

- Uploading Orders from Allegro to iDobraCRM, the composition of the order and the counterparty are transferred
- Product update
- Update product price

- Additional features on request

If you have a problem with the use of this or that product - contact support, we guarantee you the implementation of your task.

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